Tuesday, 31 May 2011


OMG where do I begin.

Well first things first, Janet and I will be the ONLY people to visit India and gain weight. We are eating like kings. None stop eating. We have never tasted a BA flight meal quite like it, demolished every scap (and the Gordon Ramsey flight packed lunch). Breakfast in the Luytens Bungalow this morning was divine, we were joined by parakeetes, mini stripy tailed squirrels and butterflies all on a beautiful tropical garden terrace. Brunch folllowed breakfast, and lunch followed brunch and NOW we have just finished dinner. WE LOVE INDIAN FOOD.

Delhi was hot but delightful, visited Indira and Mahatma's memorial gardens and even saw the Indian Prime Minister. Our whislte stop tour this afternoon took us off to Agra.  What a journey. Cross between a roller coaster/dodgem car ride and scalectrixs.  We have never seen so many tractors, bikes, people, dogs, buffalo, cow, rickshaws, buses, lorries and cars travelling at speed on what would seem to be a dual carriage way (A1) however everyone had their own highway code rules of the road (including driving head on towards traffic and playing chicken).................

WE however arrived in Agra in one piece and at RUSH HOUR..........  But wait, we were greeted by a lovely little man called Raj at a spectacular tomb (name we have forgotten) and we had a guided tour. He loved us sooooooo much he is returning at 5am in the morning to take us to the Taj Mahal for a sunrise viewing.  No idea where Raj came from. Did Anna/Hamish arrange it or did Suno our drivers boss?

Until next time. x x x

Sunday, 29 May 2011

This is it...

Our cases have been packed and unpacked and packed again. over 100kg of stuff between us.  Excited doesn't begin to describe how we feel.  Although we are both a bit nervous.  I am worried about not seeing my family as I miss them terribly already. (they are in Dubai)

The heat alone is a concern, I was into town today and I was boiling and it wasn't even hot.  I think this will be our biggest challenge.  Having said that I read a news entry on google that said the Indian monsoon has arrived early so I might need an umbrella and wellies lol.

Janet has made me giggle all week, she has purchased enough 'stuff ' from Boots she can set up her own medical centre in India.  She also seems to be bringing along a load of 'other stuff' that wasn't on our list, as people keep giving her things to bring and she just can't say NO.... SO Janet has two massive suitcases.  I will have my camera at the ready in Heathrow airport when she has to pull both of them along.......  Another thing that has really made me laugh was a comment she made this morning.  "Karen, make sure you have a really delicious final meal tonight".  Does she think we are going on celebrity get me outta here, and will only be fed bugs and rice.  I think she might think we wont have anything nice to eat for a month, does she not realise you can get pizza in India. Ha Ha

We leave tomorrow at 5.45am.  Flying from Heathrow at 10.15am.  We are not due into Delhi until after 11pm so we will be knackered.  Luckily our driver will be collecting us and taking us straight to our first hotel Luytens Bungalows.  Tuesday will be spent all day sightseeing in Delhi and late afternoon we will be driving to Agra.  Here we will be staying in the Taj Resort for one night.  Our hotel overlooks the Taj Mahal and hopefully my request for a room with a view will have been noted.  Wednesday at dawn we will be heading to see the Taj Mahal in all its glory. We are planning to have a photo taken on that very seat that Lady Dianna was photographed on all those years ago. We are not in Agra for long as we have to travel back to Delhi in the afternoon for dinner and our over night train to Chakki Bank train station over 400miles away.

My next blog will be sent when I find an Internet cafe in India.  Hopefully in a few days.

Karen x

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Not long now...

Our final meeting with Mind the Gap went really well.  Left with a full in depth itinerary which is amazing. I hope I don't loose it.

We are staying in some fabulous hotels.  Luytens Bungalows in Delhi, Taj Resort in Agra, The Green Hotel in Mcleodganj, Umaid Mahal in Jaipur, Pushkar Palace and the Jagat Palace in Rajasthan.

We have a full driver service from touching down in Delhi.  I am very excited about being chauffeur driven everywhere.  Our overnight sleeper carriages are also booked on the train up to the mountains.

St Mary's knows we are on our way, God help them when we turn up.  I doubt they will know what to make of us.

I'm starting to get anxious about saying goodbye to Doug and the girls tomorrow.  I am taking them to Gatwick as they are heading off to Dubai for a week.  The dog is off to Alexia's and my Mam is booked in to visit nearer the end of June.  Doug has even arranged to take the girls to Cornwall for the weekend in the middle of the month.  Ellen would have left school by the time I return, all her exams finished and the rest of her life in front of her. Joe has promised to look after her for me. x

Karen x

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Only six days to go...

Cases are nearly packed, and all our plans are coming together.  We have a final meeting with Hamish & Anna from 'Mind the Gap' tomorrow and hopefully our itinerary will be complete and finalized.

I have several things to attend to before Monday.  I have to get Doug and the girls to Gatwick on Friday as they are heading to Dubai for a week.  Oscar needs a haircut before he goes on holiday to Alexia & Marianne's and I need to speak to my Mam about her visit in June.  Most of Ellens prom stuff is booked too.

Its all getting manic, but everything seems to be now moving in slow motion.  Lets hope the volcanic ashcloud doesn't head south.

Until next time x

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Final Countdown...

The past six months seem to have flew by.  Plans to raise money and organise our trip now seem like a distant memory. With only fifteen days to go until we head off to the exotic land of India we are both becoming (if it is at all possible) more excited.  The fear of the unknown is looming over us like a thunder cloud and the anticipation is growing day by day.

The money we raised has been spent on some of the most wonderful resources. The lesson plans are complete and everything is packed in two large suitcases. We decided to take everything ourselves rather than ship it to India which is very costly, especially for nearly 50kilos.  I am sure Janet and I will have a laugh at our own expense when we arrive in Delhi just before midnight on the 30th May.  The thought of arriving in a new country with two massive suitcases, two huge holdalls and two lots of hand luggage, fills me with dread, especially for two ladies with not the strongest of backs.

The challenge of teaching over 500 children is getting closer.  Teaching in its self, is not a problem. But teaching children how to be creative could be eye opening.  Teaching creative cross curricular lesson is something I love and I am extremely passionate about it.  But how will the children of St Marys warm to my style when they are only used to learning by rote.  This is something I am sure I will discuss more over the coming weeks.