Sunday, 9 January 2011

It's offical India here we come!!!!!!

Firstly a bit about me!  Karen soon to be 40 (no I'm not having a mid life crisis OR am I). I'm studying  Education at the University of Hertfordshire and I am absolutley loving it.

Last year I decided to go to India. When I first mentioned it to friends I think they thought I was mad, maybe I am!  Except that is for Janet my wonderful Sister-in-Law. 'If your going I'm coming with you' was her response, and here we are.  I've never done anything like it before.  Holidays to Dubai, South Africa, Florida, New York Maldives and many visits to Venice, Barcelona, Paris, Spain, Ireland and Cornwall, but no backpacking experiences.  So when I was thinking about this backpacking experience I was dreading having to ask someone the question. Can I take my hairdryer and GHD straightners? Well I did just the other day, they looked at me as if I was bonkers but hey they said YES. Yipee!!!!!!!!! 

So why India! Well in a nutshell this is how I come about parting with a load of money and booking myself onto a British Airways Flight to Delhi on Monday 30th May 2010.

I have worked with Anna for quite a few years, she is my inspiration for becoming a teacher.  She makes the job look easy.  She is a true earth mother, humanitarian, eco warrior teacher and a wonderful friend. Hamish her husband owns I could not recommend him or his company more. (he did not pay me to say this) Our Indian experience took shape around his kitchen table on Friday 7th January. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi travelling buddy, saw John Sargeant on trains in and around Mumbai today on tv, brilliant network to travel on, even saw a top bunk :). Innoculations, mozzie net, (I'm considering the benefits of a beekeepers hat) bug spray, water purifying tablets, creativity, resources, eyes, ears = happy travelling. CAN'T WAIT.
