OMG what a overwhelming reaction. Janet and I are both amazed at the reaction and response from our family and friends. In less that 10 days we have sold over 100 tickets. (however, we still need to get the money in) LOL.
Hopefully once we haggle down the price the Sitar India Resturant will be providing the food, I have found a fabulous young lady called Rajvi who does traditional Indian dance, she wants to join us and be part of the evening too. We also have an amazing majician and toast master in Phil Perry.
We have had one set back.....And its giving me a big headache. Our venue just isn't big enough. We were hoping on 150 guests but after a visit to the venue today that is not going to be possible. The venue just would not cope. We have had to make the decision to stop ticket sales at 116, which is unfortunate. Missing out on 34 lots of £15 is not good. It also means we are now having to allocate reserved tickets on a first come fisrt served basis. If we were a company this would be great. But this isn't the case.
We could try and get another venue and increase the numbers to 150 plus, but this is expensive. Hotels are charging thousands for room hire etc and our budget is very small.
So we will be squeezing 116 people into the venue, it will be snug and cosy but the atmosphere should be great.
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