Monday, 6 June 2011

Breakfast with a Guru, Lunch at a Waterfall & Dinner on a Banana Leaf

So much to see, so little time...

This morning we had a little lie in (8.30am).  We were invited to sit with the most amazing old grandad you could ever imagine seeing. Orange and yellow robes and the whites beard, just like santa. He spoke good enough English to communicate and we discussed his ill health.  He looked bloody great for what looked like 200 years old.  However there always seems to be an motive behind some peoples smiles and kindness, he handed Janet a string of beads which she took (she will NOT learn).  And then he showed us his medical prescription and wanted money.. Well what do you do?  He was so cute, almost looked like one of the seven dwafs.  We obliged and gave 100 rupees each, which is only a couple pounds..

We are started to become amune to the begging, well I am.  Janet however is such a softy.

After breakfast we headed up the mountain to the Bagshu waterfall, I've been to Niagara (so nothing too spectacular) BUT the view OMG the view.  You are right up high in the mountains, its quiet and the air is clean.

However the journey on foot was not so good.  Families from the Punjab and Ragasthan holiday here, so it is really busy with cars, horns hooting every where.  Also most of them havent seen westerners, especially not red headed fat or fat ones, so yet again we got loads of attention.. Ha ha ha

We met some lovely familes, a Sikh teacher with her extended family and a Hindu extended family too, they both shared their fresh fruit with us and were very hospitiable.  This wouldn't happen in Hemel.

We headed down the mountain and found a tiny shop that sold Vick rub and knifes. We bought both. Once back to Mcleod we went to the Green Shop/Project and  gave them some resources which we had, which were not for St Marys, they are doing such good work.

No time for a shower, hot, stinky and dirty from all the dust we went straight to a open air gig.  This was organised by the Mountain Cleaners and the Clean up Dharamsala Association.  Great powerpoint on a big screen, great music and dinner on a banana leaf.  Lovely evening.  Fireworks high in the mountains and a lightening storm. WOW. Never seen sheet/fork lightening quite like it in my life.

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